With Star Wars: The Force Awakens opening in just a few short months, The KtS Podcast embarks on a multi-part saga of its own, beginning with 1999's Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Joining Ian on this fool's errand is a veritable Jedi Council of artist friends who grew up during various eras of Star Wars' inescapable pop influence.
How does the film hold up sixteen years later? Did it hold up in the first place? Can we feel the good in this one, or is every scene a ponderous pile of poodoo? Ian, Bill Gudmundson, Jessica "Gari" Garibaldi, and Charlie Baruffi dive into the menace full-force to get some answers!
Also, Ian throws a verbal Pity party for one of his favorite shorts from last year (now on Blu-ray)!
Bust out your midichlorian readers, 'cause Episode 108 is off the charts!
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