Today, the Kicking the Seat Podcast re-teams with Earth's Mightiest Critics to release Birds of Prey into the wild! Joining Ian for this lively and controversial discussion are David Fowlie of Keeping it Reel, Emmanuel Noisette of Eman's Movie Reviews, and Don Shanahan of Every Movie Has a Lesson!
Is this female-led follow-up to Suicide Squad truly a butt-kicking empowerment narrative--or have DC miscalculated the market's appetite for misandrist entertainment? The guys go all in on spoilers to dissect the plot, structure, and comic-book roots of this Harley Quinn vehicle thinly disguised as a team-up movie, so if you haven't seen yet experienced this Fantabulous Emancipation for yourself, be warned!
Episode 499 would also kill for an egg sandwich!
Show Guide:
Intro Music: 0:00 - 0:14
Intro: 0:14 - 3:13
Birds of Prey Trailer: 3:13 - 5:32
Birds of Prey Discussion: 5:32 - 1:31:04
Outro Music: 1:31:04 - 1:31:19
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